Chapter 13

In this chapter in the part that Mr. Tompkins and the Audit Group manager start talking about the importance of a following the same methods, it was very illogical from my point of view how the manager said that even if the project has something that can’t be apply to that process you must follow it is kind of nonsense because the process you use to produce in this case software must be the one that allow you as a team to complete the project without problems in my opinion, so in this part I consider that is important to have a process that you can replicate the times you want but also do some changes to the process if necessary.

Another thing that I have experience with is the specification document, instead of using a other document in the project of reta 6-0 we use the user manual as the specification document, this thanks that in this document are all the functionality that the web page in my case needs so it would be a waste of time to write the same thing in another format, is just better to make use of your time in production if you have already a document even if is in another format,, so in conclusion of this chapter I agree with Mr .Tompkins about the danger of standard process can make you miss important shortcuts.

Chapter 14

In this chapter I agree in the part they talk about the importance of not showing you dislike to someone at the moment of speaking because if you show to the person you are talking to some anger or dislike all you said would be in vain.

I like the idea of the Mr. Kenoros that said the process improvement is to subtract steps, I consider it a good idea because is logical that if you have a process and you try to make it faster by adding steps is kind of counterproductive because in order to complete those extra steps you will need more time, in the example they give it was very interesting how the most expensive part of the project in terms of time is debugging so to reduce the time debugging you can expend more time in the design until is so good than later you can start coding and reduce the quantity of bugs in the project and in consequence expend less time debugging and if everything works well you can reduce time.

Another important thing at the end of the chapter is when you are working in a project and then your boss decided to make changes is important that the boss stay with you explaining those changes and answer some questions because in my experience when you are working with a certain process and then it change and you are alone without someone to answer questions is going to be worse in every aspect even in time.

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