Chapter 15

In this chapter at the beginning I consider minister Belok is a very bad manager, first he didn’t care about what is the opinion of the workers in the different projects, he just wanted to win and win money without any investment, other thing is that he had the idea that the work would be faster if you put more and more people into it instead of making smart decisions and if it wasn’t enough he had the brilliant idea to hire courses that the only thing those courses are going to do is delay the projects. This man is the clear example of how you don’t want to run a project or different projects, because in reality the only thing you are doing is giving extra job to your people that can’t be done, so what is the point of doing this.

In the part that Belinda and Mr. T are talking about how good projects have overtime work and the importance of pressure I agree with them in the part that good projects have overtime work, this because you can face some problems that are necessary to fix at that moment, but too much overtime work can be bad for the projects you are running, first because the workers in this case programmers get tired and lose motivation with too much work then you add more pressure that can be in my point of view unhealthy and can burn out the workers and all this for nothing because the project can’t be done faster than is currently be done, you are just going to make people in the project to make more errors and be more anxious about the project.

In conclusion I agree with what their data said about how pressure does not make a significant improvement in terms of time in a project, that’s because people can’t work faster than they normally do with some pressure, but without pressure some people don’t do their work so I believe a way to create a better work space is to make them responsible of something, in this way they know that some work has to be done and is their responsibility to accomplish that work as part of a team.

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